Friday, June 1, 2012

Friday June 1, 2012

Missy had volunteered to drive us down to meet Becky because I was taking hydrocodon for pain in my tooth. I had a pretty good night so I thought I would be fine with iboprophine. We got the kids bags packed. Of course, we couldn't find the leap pad, Oh yes, there it is under the bed. At least we found it. Grands had been out sweeping the dirty, dusty sow/CSA/bike shed. When I took root beer floats out to them they were at the cowboy hide out. It is a hit!! Thanks Luke. Before heading south we stopped at GGpa's. Torren got dumdum suckers for the ride home. The kids watched Little House on my computer as I drove to meet Becky. So thankful for a farm raised daughter-in law who thinks it is okay to have an impromptu picnic at drive way to a field. At home I chilled. Missy had taken Laura and Bethany to Storm Lake. They watched the little ones at a park while she got a months supply of groceries. I visited with Missy while she put things away.

1 comment:

  1. I thought it was perfect...except maybe the partially decomposed pile next to our picnic basket! :) Thanks again! - Becky
